torsdag 23 april 2009

Go pluggmusik

"Hi! I’m glad you made it. I hope the songs you find here will make your bad days not so bad and your good days even better. Because music has that ability; to connect an experience with a feeling, and all of a sudden you understand what it’s all about. To piece together and finally complete songs that have been scattered pieces of music is an immense relief, but also a little scary. One doesn’t want to force them into a box just as you wouldn’t want to lock up a wild horse who longs for freedom. And it seems like for everything that I complete; more things appear that I want to and have to do. But haven’t yet done. Just like the climber who makes it to the top of the mountain only to find that all the surrounding mountain tops seem higher. This is what it's like to be human, and while we're walking that road, music sometimes makes it all a little bit more easy."

Johan Sommevåg har en skön presentation av sig själv och sköna plugglåtar på sin Myspace-sida.
När jag sitter med huvudet nerkört i böckerna en hel dag underlättar det att ha go musik i öronen under tiden.

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