tisdag 17 februari 2009

Joveini, min nya sambo

Ett av svaren jag fått när jag sökt lägenhet på Blocket:

One room of a three rooms flat rents immediately without paying
You get a room and do not need to pay for it.Instead of paying you write one houre a day for the newspaper.You should help 1 hour typing per day typing english or swedish or other language doesn't matter. It is a new started newspaper that it needs some help to writing.
This is a flat with 3 seperated rooms at Rågsved about 20 minutes from stockholm. The flat is near Rågsved subway and centrum about 5 minutes walking tosubway and centrum .Each room is about 18 m2.

I am religious, kind, pleasant, calm, serious and non-alcoholic 48 yearsold easy man living there.
My interests are God, religions, people, writing new bible, java, sportand good mood.
There is another girl 22 years old intrests for the other room to workwith the writing one houre a day

Joveini "

Tack för svaret Joveini, jag hör av mig...

1 kommentar:

Linda sa...

Hej Anna!
Sitter och letar lägenhet och kom över en annons som denna Joveini lagt upp. Kände att jag behövde googla honom då hela annonsen var ganska underlig, men jag är ju trots allt desperat. Du flyttade möjligtvis inte in? :)